Sunday, August 19, 2012

Oh no - my eye! - Fear of Loss

I was sitting on my chair, using my computer, then I went to the bathroom, and I saw my eye, that had a little scratch – so, I’ve had an image of myself seeing myself at the mirror with the eye fucked up, so I believed ‘my eye is gonna get worse' and ‘I will lose my eye’ then I feared to lose my eye, then I felt anxious for and as the insecurity of if my eye is gonna get worse, then the desire of my eye get healed, then irritation for have a scratch in my eye, then the hope that my eye will be ok until some time.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist in and as the image of myself seeing myself at the mirror with my eye fucked up, without realizing that I'm here and what is here is real, so I realize how we place images DELIBERATELY to activate a character of fear of loss, so is useless reacting to that deliberately because I know that that image isn't real.

When and as I see myself in and as an image of myself seeing myself at the mirror with my eye fucked up - I stop and I breathe. I realize that the image cannot be real and that what is HERE is real, so no need to go into fear.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that my eye is gonna get worse, without realizing that my eye can get worse only if I decide it, and that I'm here breathing so I don't need to believe what will happen in the future, because I realize that there's no point in projecting myself onto future, because the future isn't HERE, and I'm HERE breathing, thus the future doesn't exist.

When and as I see myself believing that my eye is gonna get worse - I stop and I breath. I see myself with my eyes ensuring that I take all the practical and physical considerations: not touching my eyes and not worrying about future because I'm here and what is here is real.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I will lose my eye, without realizing that the only thing that I'm losing in that moment of belief is the breath here instead of believing that I would lose my eye, so it's unnecessary abuse myself with that belief and losing my breath here, because HERE I am as breath.

When and as I see myself believing that I will lose my eye - I stop and I breathe. I recover myself as breath here realizing that the only thing that I can lose is breathing here.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear losing my eye, without realizing that with my eye I can see that my eye is here, and what is HERE is real, so there's no need to fear what isn't here, because isn't real.

When and as I see myself fearing losing my eye - I stop and I breathe. I see with my eye that I'm here and that I can see my human physical body how it remains here, equal and one with and as myself, so I'm here, and nothing that isn't here is real.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist in and as anxiety as the insecurity of if my eye will gonna be worse, without realizing that the worse is being insecure for something that isn't here, where obviously is useless to try to secure the future, because the future isn't here, so there's no need to insecurity, because HERE is security as the physical, as stability, as breath, as my eye, as myself.

When and as I see myself in and as anxiety as the insecurity of if my eye will gonna be worse - I stop and I breathe. I secure myself here realizing that my eye is here as myself as breath, and I take practical consideration as not touching my eyes, and if it's necessary, taking medical assistance to my eye.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to desire to my eye getting healed, without realizing that there's no heal in desiring my eye getting heal, because that desire clearly isn't going to heal my eye, and in fact desiring my eye getting healed implies the fear of losing my eye, so actually that desiring will not heal me eye, just blind my eye to not see that the abuse is fearing to lose my eye.

When and as I see myself desiring to my eye getting healed - I stop and I breathe. I heal myself realizing that the desire isn't gonna change anything, so I stop touching my eyes and I take medical assistance if it's necessary and available.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed to get irritated for having a scratch in my eye, without realizing that the scratch to myself is done when getting irritated for judging something that's here as a scratch in my eye, so there's no need to get irritated with realizing that irritation isn't gonna heal my eye, in fact, is just a consequence for fearing to lose my eye, so is part of the abuse, and that the scratch is my responsibility for touching my eyes repeatedly, so I can see that I created the scratch physically.

When and as I see myself irritated for having a scratch in my eye - I stop and I breathe. I scratch my irritation with breath realizing that getting irritated is useless and is only a mental experience to what is here, so I can just take care of my eye with physical and practical considerations like not touching my eye and being more aware when cleaning it.

Re-defining the word Security/Seguridad

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to associate the word security with the word immunity, and the word immunity with a positive charge, in separation from myself as the word.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to connect the word security with a positive charge in separation from myself as the word.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to associate the word security with the government and police, and government and police with the word power, in separation from myself as the word.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define the word security as having money, in separation from myself as the word.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to associate the word security with being tall and massive, and being tall and massive as a positive experience, in separation from myself as the word.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define the word security as having no fear, and having no fear as a positive experience, in separation from myself as the word.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to connect the word security with the word force, and the word force with a positive charge, in separation from myself as the word.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define the word security as knowing the future, and knowing the future as a positive experience, in separation from myself as the word.

n    noun (plural securities)
1    the state of being or feeling secure.
2    the safety of a state or organization against criminal activity such as terrorism. Ømeasures taken to ensure such safety.
3    a thing deposited or pledged as a guarantee of the fulfilment of an undertaking or the repayment of a loan, to be forfeited in case of default.
4    a certificate attesting credit, the ownership of stocks or bonds, or the right to ownership connected with tradable derivatives.

se -cur - I - ty
see cure I ty
see = percieve with the eyes
cure = treatment
I = self
tie = thank you

security = see-cure-I-tie = certainty of and as self being here as the cure
segu(i)r-y-dad = certeza de y como uno mismo estando aquí como la cura


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