Thursday, August 9, 2012

El juego del miedo de la autoridad

Estaba en una habitación y llegó mi tío, me dijo 'tsss y mas encima te traigo el desayuno' y tal desayuno era un papel con marihuana, y le dije que no, y tuve el juicio 'oh, esto cuesta dinero' - y mi tío volvió a insistir, y en ese momento temí volver a decir NO por miedo a que se enoje y por miedo a generarme una experiencia negativa - y recibí la mota y me dijo que lo muela.
Le saqué una rama que estaba viendo y creí que estaba haciéndolo incorrectamente y tuve miedo a estar haciéndolo incorrectamente, y sucedió - boté un poco de mota, como actuando torpemente por tal miedo, y bueno pues, mi tío me dijo 'ves, ya botaste' y sentí frustración por creerme a mi mismo ser estúpido por botar mota.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist within and as the judgment 'oh, this costs money', without realizing that money isn't an excuse to act against my decision, because what is behind that judgment is the desire to have expensive things, so - desire to be powerful because of the belief that if I have expensive things, then I'm superior.

When and as I see myself in and as the judgment 'oh, this costs money' - I stop and I breathe. I realize how we justify ourlseves with money, as a way to not see what we we have accepted and allowed, thus I understand how I have supressed fear by generating a positive experience as having expensive things, hence is irrelevant, because in fact I realize how we have created the money functions as fear supress.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to desire to have expensive things because of the belief that if I have expensive things then I'm superior, without realizing that actually nothing has value more than the value we give to things and that we can't be more/less than we already are, because we are one and equal for the only fact that we are all here.

When and as I see myself desiring to have expensive things - I stop and I breathe. I realize that the value that we have given to things is in fact related to how we seek superiority, thus I realize that this search is in fact one of the principles of consumerism, making ourselves HAPPY with expensive things as things with more value, and clearly this cannot make sense, because we are equal as life as all and everyone HERE - so nothing can be more or less.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear that don't have expensive things because of the belief that if I have expensive things then I'm superior, without realizing that I was considering myself as inferior if I don't have those expensive things, and within that that I'm not able to be superior/inferior because all that is here has no price, is what we are as life - the physical.

When and as I see myself fearing to not having expensive things - I stop and I breathe. I realize that I don't need to define myself through the value of things because through that fear we have accepted and allowed to exist within and as an unequal money system, and that the only way to define ourselves is through the mind, because we cannot be more or less of what we already are breathing here.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear saying NO because of fearing to create anger within a being, without realizing that that fear starts with and as an image of the being beating me so the fear behind these fears is the fear of being beaten by saying NO, connected to the memory of my parents beating me for saying no to their orders.

When and as I see myself fearing to say NO - I stop and I breathe. I realize that that fear is just a projection as an image of what would happen, and that I don't need to fear saying NO and being beaten for it because I'm here breathing, so I direct myself in every moment of breath HERE.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist within and as the judgment 'I'm doing this incorrectly', without realizing that there's no correct or incorrect way to do anything, and that that judgment emerges because of the memory of my parents scolding me because of not doing things the way they wanted, thus the point behing that judgment is the fear of not doing things the way that others want because of fearing being scolded for not doing things the way others want.

When and as I see myself within and as the judgment 'I'm doing this incorrectly' - I stop and I breathe. I realize that there's no correct or incorrect way to do things, thus what I do is self-expression, and that do things the way others want is just self expression suppression, so I'm the one that decide stand up expressing myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear not doing things the way that others want, without realizing that there's no reason to do things the way others want, because that is just limitation as limiting myself to do things the way others want - and that I'm able to discover and walk my own expression, and that no one can influence me if I decide to not be influenced.

When and as I see myself fearing to not doing things the way others want - I stop and I breath. I realize that I direct myself and express myself thus I can see what is supportive as what is best for all and what is not, thus my decision of standing up as self-expression doesn't depend on anything or anyone, is justa practical considertation in and as the moment, as what is best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to get frustrated because of not doing things the way others want, without realizing that I don't need to do things the way others want, and that we always try to influence others to do things the way we want because of FEAR of right and wrong through what we have learned by our parents, thus is irrelevant continue with that insane loop.

When and as I see myself frustrated because of not doing things the way others want - I stop and I breath. I realize that is unnecessary get frustrated for that, because I decide how to do things within the consideration of what is best for all, and how I can support myself to be more effective in what I do.

I forgive that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I'm stupid if I don't do things the way others want, without realizing that I cannot be stupid as a diminish word, because we are equal as life HERE, thus I don't need to do things the way others want because I express myself and I'm able to see if I can consider an application within the consideration of what is best for all, and is useless to do things the way others want because I see that we aren't considering ourselves as one and equal so the the way to do things is just an attempt to be superior - and it's unnecesary to continue the acceptance and allowance to be influenced - one as equal as life doesn't need to influence anyone, one can only influence oneself.

When and as I see myself believing that I'm stupid if I don't do things the way others want - I stop and I breathe. I realized that I cannot be more or less of what I already am as life breathing here, thus, I realize how we have separated ourselves from who we are as life through defining ourselves as more or less, when clearly that separation only exists as consciousness, because LIFE is equal and one in ALL WAYS - always.

Redefining the word Autoridad/Authority:

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to connect the word Authority with a negative charge, in separation from myself as the word.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define the word Authority as something that rules me, in separation from myself as the word.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to give a value as something more than me to the word Authority, in separation from myself as the word.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to connect the word Authority with the word Power and Control, and the words Power and Control with a positive charge, in separation from myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to connect the word Authority with politicians and government, in separation from myself as the word.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to connect the word Authority with the memory of my parents scolding me for not doing things the way they said, and that memory with a negative charge, in separation from myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to associate the word Authority with god, and the word god as something separated from me and superior to me.

n    noun (plural authorities)
1    the power or right to give orders and enforce obedience.
2    a person or organization exerting control in a political or administrative sphere.
3    the power to influence others based on recognized knowledge or expertise. Øan authoritative person, book, or other source.

Sounding (spanish):

Autoridad = darse dirección a uno mismo como autor de uno mismo para vivir
Authority = give direction to self as author of self's living

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