Sunday, August 12, 2012

¿Sabías que el monóxido de carbono hace que explotes?

Estaba terminando de hacer ratings en y de repente comencé a sentir olor a parafina, y pregunté que es lo que había pasado - anteriormente me habian pedido que prenda la estufa y simplemente no la prendí, y luego lo olvidé al estar haciendo ratings.

Y bueno, el tema es que, pregunté hacia abajo qué es lo que había pasado, por qué había tanto olor a parafina, y mi tío me dijo 'toma eso te pasa por no prender la estufa' y luego mi hermano dice 'fui yo que entré muy antes la estufa' - en ese momento reaccioné y ya al estar irritado mi hermano me pidió que lo acompañe afuera, que salga porque había mucho olor a parafina - claramente - y sólo respondí 'no', tenía considerado hacer ratings y luego salir - y así lo hice.

Luego salí, y me dí cuenta de que - bueno, iba caminando y habían dos perros, los cuales siempre me ladraban, y tuve miedo a que me muerdan... empecé a caminar aplicando el perdón al miedo, y me di cuenta de que los perros no me mordieron, era sólo el miedo, al pasar por el lado del primero se alejo de mi y comenzó a ladrar pero bastante despacio, y yo sólo seguí caminando, y ahí el segundo se puso delante mío y movió su cola, y el primer perro comenzó a ladrar nuevamente y el segundo hizo lo mismo pero no me hicieron nada, sólo ladraban.

Entones, seguí caminando, y en ello me dí cuenta/entendí que la irritación surgió por el miedo de intoxicarme con el olor a parafina o con el monóxido de carbono, luego la ansiedad de si me iba a intoxicar o no, luego el deseo de salir de ahí simplemente y escapar de mi miedo y que de hecho la irritación por mantenerme en la fricción al haberme poseído en terminar de hacer ratings, y por ende tal irritación duró hasta que salí = escapé de mi miedo.

Claramente este miedo surgió por mi creencia en la información/conocimiento de que respirar monóxido de carbono puede provocar una intoxicación sin haberla comprobado por mi mismo, ya que lo que realmente había comprobado del monóxido de carbono es que me da sueño.

Perdón a uno mismo y declaración correctiva:

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist in and as an image of myself being bitten by a dog, without realizing that that image can't be real, because it is just in my mind, so any belief about it, if it's real or not, is just bullshit, and HERE is what is real, so any picture from my mind is just self-dishonesty, because it isn't here, also isn't what is best for all, because is self-deception to worry about future.

When and as I see myself in and as an image of myself being bitten by a dog - I stop and I breathe. I realize that that image is not what is happening HERE, and that is unnecessary go image based projections because I realize that I am here BREATHING so what is happening here as the physical is what is real.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear to being bitten by a dog because of the belief that I will be bitten by a dog when seeing an image of myself being bitten by a dog, without realizing that fear cannot exist as myself breathing HERE, because that fear and belief can only exist as a future projection, thus it isn't real because I'm here in and as every moment, so fear is not being here breathing, rather in and as an image as future projection.

When and as I see myself fearing to being bitten - I stop and I breathe. I realize that there's no need to fear my own believe, and that I'm here breathing, thus there's no possibility of the image to manifest, because it is an illusion, because I realize how this image emerged in my mind and how I was still breathing here, so it is like an illusion dimension - not here.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear being intoxicated for having the paraffin-stove ON because of believing that the carbon monoxide of it may cause me an intoxication, and just as information/knowledge, without realizing that I cannot prove that because I haven't live it - so is useless fearing that which I don't have a certainty of, and that the real effect I've live about it is tiredness and sleep - so really it is oxygen what I need in the moment.

When and as I see myself fearing to being intoxicated for having the paraffin-stove on - I stop and I breathe. I realize that the intoxication point is just a belief as information/knowledge so it isn't a practical solution, and that the real effect that I have experienced is tiredness and sleep, so I can just go outside and breathe as a practical solution for the consequence of oxygen need.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist in and as anxiety as the insecurity of being intoxicated or not for having the paraffin-stove on, without realizing that is useless being anxious for that because I clearly can direct myself to go outside, and because the effects that I really have experience are tiredness and sleepiness.

When and as I see myself anxious for and as the insecurity of being intoxicated or not for having the paraffin-stove on – I stop and I breathe. I realize that there’s no point to fear the belief of getting intoxicated because of having the stove on, because it isn’t real, because I’m here breathing so it is just a mind projection based on a belief, so it can’t be real because it isn’t HERE – likewise I just can go outside considering that inhaling carbon monoxide requires me to take oxygen, so I can place my head out of the window and breathe until I’m stable HERE again as breath.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to desire to go outside as an escape to the fear of being intoxicated because of having the stove on, without realizing that I don’t need that desire of go outside because of fearing to being intoxicated because of having the stove on to take consideration of myself as the physical and just direct myself to go outside, and without understanding that this desire was just feeding the fear itself, so there’s no need to transform a practical application considering what is best for my human physical body to a energetic experience of fear and desire to escape from it.

When and as I see myself desiring to go outside as an escape to the fear of being intoxicated because of having the stove on – I stop and I breathe. I realize that it is a practical consideration to go outside and breathe clear oxygen, thus the desire to escape as resistance to the fear is unnecessary because the fear itself isn’t real because of the real effects that I can see about the stove, which are tiredness and sleepiness so it isn’t a possibility get intoxicated because of having the stove on.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to get irritated because of not directing myself to go outside because of desiring to go outside because having the stove on, without realizing that is not about desiring it or fearing it, rather just doing it in consideration of what is best for myself as human physical body, considering that if I have difficult to breathe, that means that is adequate to go outside and breathe clear oxygen.

When and as I see myself irritated because of not directing myself to go outside because of desiring to go outside because having the stove on – I stop and I breathe. I realize that considering myself as the physical is a primary consideration, thus if I see myself with difficulty to breathe, I just direct myself to breathe out of the window or if I know that the carbin moxide is going out of control I direct myself to go outside, because I see that there’s no point in possesing myself doing what I’m doing, rather considering myself as the physical in every breath HERE.

Redefining the word expression/expresión:

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to connect the word expression with the word freedom, and the word freedom with a positive charge, in separation from myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define the word expression as free choice, in separation from myself as the word.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to connect the word expression with something especial as a positive charge, in separation from myself as the word.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to asociate expression with the tonality of my voice and the movements of my body, in separation from myself as the word.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define the word expression as not thinking nor feeeling in separation from myself as the word.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to asociate the word expression with the word childhood in separation from myself as the word.

1. The act of expressing, conveying, or representing in words, art, music, or movement; a manifestation: an expression of rural values.
2. Something that expresses or communicates: Let this plaque serve as an expression of our esteem.
3. Mathematics A symbol or combination of symbols that represents a quantity or a relationship between quantities.
4. The manner in which one expresses oneself, especially in speaking, depicting, or performing.
5. A particular word or phrase: "an old Yankee expression . . . 'Stand up and be counted'" (Charles Kuralt).
6. The outward manifestation of a mood or a disposition: My tears are an expression of my grief.
7. A facial aspect or a look that conveys a special feeling: an expression of scorn.
8. The act of pressing or squeezing out.
9. Genetics The act or process of expressing a gene.

Ex Press Ion

Ex Press: without press
Ion: atom – the physical

Expression: Manifestation of oneself as life in practical consideration of oneself.
Expresión: Manifestación de uno mismo como vida en consideración práctica de uno mismo.


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